Home News Surviving on Grass: 72-Year-Old Malam Muhammad Sani’s Heart-Wrenching Tale of Struggle in...

Surviving on Grass: 72-Year-Old Malam Muhammad Sani’s Heart-Wrenching Tale of Struggle in a Failing Economy

By Muhammad Sani Muazu

In a country where the cost of living keeps rising, survival is becoming a daily nightmare for many.

72-year-old Malam Muhammad Sani, a resident of Bauchi, works as a gateman and endures the scorching sun to cut and sell grass to livestock owners just to get food.

Despite his hard work, he still can’t afford the basic necessity of life – food.

Can you imagine going to bed hungry every night, not knowing where your next meal will come from?

This is the harsh reality for Malam Muhammad Sani and his family. But the story gets even tougher.

In this special report, correspondent Muhammad Sani Muazu brings you a heart-wrenching tale of struggle, survival, and the search for hope in a country where the economy seems to have left the vulnerable behind.

By 11:00 am on a faithful Tuesday, the 72-year-old, who should be retired and receiving special care, is still under the sun waiting to sell the grasses he cut to buy his regular Kunu (Pap) for breakfast.

He noted that he has found a way to earn a living by cutting and selling grasses from the place where he works as a gateman.

He narrated how he sells a wrap of grass for between N250 to N400, which helps him buy food.

But despite his efforts, Malam Sani struggles to afford three square meals a day, saying that he eats twice a day, and other times, only once.

He noted that his family relies on him, and he has 11 children, three of whom are married, and another is getting married soon.

He expressed gratitude to Allah for granting him health, which enables him to work and earn a living.

However, he said he has lost hope in getting support from the government, as it seems they only help a select few.

Malam Sani said he tried various ways to earn money, but this economic hardship has forced him to resort to cutting grass.

He prays that Allah will provide for him, as he no longer expects help from the government.

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