
Gov. Bala’s Duguri Hometown Differs On His Presidential Ambition

Governor Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed presidential ambition has continued to generate mixed reactions among various communities of Bauchi State on whether to contest for the 2023 race or not.

During his recent visit to his hometown Duguri in Alkaleri Local government some political gladiators family, friends, youths and women groups, political associates, traditional and religious leaders among others expressed their support for the governor to join the race come 2023.

Though, In an interactive session with some groups, who turned out massively to rally around his administration, urged the governor to complete his eight-year tenure before making any move to the presidential seat.

They argued that their leader is doing well considering the numerous projects and policies he had put in place in just two years in office.

The people of Duguri and environs therefore, thanked the governor for constructing access roads from Burga to Yalwan Duguri covering 57 kilometres, construction of schools and hospitals in the area.

While appreciating the governor for the visit, they promised to mobilize more people for his reelection in 2023, as according to them, the road has opened up communities and improved farming activities.

In his reaction, Governor Bala Mohammed said the interaction has afforded him the opportunity to connect with people at the grassroots, so as to understand their challenges with a view to proffering solutions.

According to him, plans are underway for all political appointees to also go back to their localities and interact with their people for good governance to strive.

On the calls for him to join the 2023 presidential race, Governor Bala Mohammed made it clear that he is still consulting and will make his position public in due course.

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