Accountability ReportsNational News

PLSI Moves To Promote Public Accountability In Nigeria

A Civic Society Organization, Paradigm Leadership Support Initiative, PLSI, has taken steps to ensure accountability and transparency on public funds, through effective auditing.

To this end, the organization is currently holding a three-day capacity building and high level policy dialogue with the theme “strengthening accountability measures on COVID-19 interventions”, in Abuja, for stakeholders in auditing from Akwa-Ibom, Bauchi and Yobe States.

On Tuesday, the organization has trained Auditor – Generals and Senior Auditors from Yobe Akwa-Ibom and Bauchi States on conducting performance audits on government projects and programs.

While the PLSI is holding a high level policy/stakeholders dialogue to facilitate effective implementation of audit laws in the three states this Wednesday, a capacity strengthening for Public Accounts Committees of the three states houses of assembly, to effectively review reports of Auditors Generals from their states, would be conducted on Thursday.

Today’s session, which has the Auditor Generals, Chairmen of public accounts and the media from Bauchi, Yobe and Akwa-Ibom states in attendance, reviews the enacted audit laws and implementation status in the three states and the key findings from their 2020 Audit Reports.

Participants at the session, stressed the need for proper funding of auditor generals’ offices and public account committees of the houses of assembly, for effective auditing.

In his address, the Executive Director of the Paradigm Leadership Support Initiative, PLSI, Mr. Olusegun Elemo, says the three – day dialogue, was part of the organization’s efforts to ensure public accountability in Nigeria.

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