
NEDC Empowers 30 Youths

The North-East Development Commission (NEDC) has commenced a one-week training for 30 participants from the 6 states that make up the North-East subregion in continuation of its efforts at creating employment opportunities for the teeming youths in the subregion.

The week’s training is for artisans and scavengers in the North-East on the fabrication of efficient stoves and briquette production from agricultural and domestic waste in line with the climate change and climatic condition of the environment.

The training is being conducted by a team of Consultants, African Xpediant Global Vision Ltd and Clean-Climate Ltd is holding at the Conference Hall, in Bauchi.

He said that “since the inception of the Commission as you know our main mandate is to see to the development of the North-East, and, part of the development is job creation and we have seen that there are so many graduates in the street without jobs”.

According to him, “because there are no more white-collar jobs available anymore in the country, we started thinking outside the box on what can we do. This training you are seeing is a waste of the wealth program. We are trying to teach them how to fabricate energy-efficient stoves which are environmentally friendly and are accepted all over the world”.

“The model of these stoves was initially adopted in India. The trainer here was in Kenya and he emerged as one of the best in West Africa for the fabrication of these stoves. So, we feel that this is a very good idea and became expedient for us in the NEDC to train our people in the North-East so that they will be producing it and sell in order to earn a decent living. That was the concept that prompted us to organize this training”, he added.

Adamu Lawan further said that “Most of the stoves we are using emit carbon monoxide which is dangerous to health but this kind of stove has been tested, the briquettes they are going to use will be sourced from the solid waste and agricultural waste. So, they are going to be treated to become the charcoal that will be used. This is environmentally friendly. That is why I said that it is not going to be negatively impacted on the environment”.

The Head of NEDC Environment and Natural Resources called on the participants to take the training seriously and pay attention to the presentation so that they will come out better and ready to become self-employed.

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