
I Can Resign As Commissioner To Campaign For Bala’s Presidential Ambition – Shira

Hamisu Mu’azu Shira, Bauchi State Commissioner for Housing and Environment, has said that he is not afraid to resign his position as a member in the cabinet of Governor Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed to work towards achieving the governor’s 2023 presidential ambition, WikkiTimes reports.

Shira said that the moral integrity of his principal being a true democrat since Nigeria’s return to civilian rule, easily rendered him as a leader who has the welfare of his people in his heart.

The Commissioner stated this on Monday in Bauchi while interacting with reporters in his office.

He said at the moment, Nigeria needs a progressive leader in the shoes of Governor Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed to salvage citizens of the country from the plague of bad leadership and governance they were subjected to over the last eight years.

Shira explained that in the light of the experiences of the governor, he can easily be seen as the most viable and effective candidate for the Aso Villa in 2023, hence, he cannot be compared with aspirants for the presidency even by the slightest of day-dream comparison.

The Commissioner said, as a former federal lawmaker, he will work hard to mobilise his colleagues so as to galvanise support for Governor Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed ahead of the 2023 presidential election.

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