
Weather forecast, not against Islamic teachings – Dr. Hamza Abubakar

By Muhammad Sani Muazu

An Islamic scholar in Bauchi Dr. Hamza Abubakar Hussaini has called on Muslims to always use weather forecast in order to obtain information that can enhance safety, improve decision-making, and optimize resource management across various sectors.

He said contrary to the belief of some people that the weather forecast contradicts the teaching of Islam on natural phenomena, but instead Islam encourages seeking knowledge, including the study of natural phenomena.

Dr. Hamza Abubakar Hussaini, who is a lecturer with the Federal University of Kashere in Gombe state described weather forecast as a valuable tool for planning and preparation, especially in areas where weather conditions can have significant impacts on daily life, agriculture, and other activities.

Dr. Hamza Abubakar Hussaini said Allah is the creator and controller of everything, but Allah in the Qur’an has called on human beings to ponder on his signs which weather forecast is among them.

He quoted chapter 3 verse 190, of the holy Qur’an where Allah said “Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding.”

The verse according to the scholar highlights the signs of Allah’s existence and power in the natural world, as it directs individuals with understanding to reflect upon the creation of the heavens and the earth, as well as the rhythmic cycle of night and day.

He added that the weather forecast is not new in Islam as the time for every Sallah is attached to following and understanding the movement of the weather.

The scholar maintained that weather forecast in principle is not in contrast to the teachings of Islam but gives Muslims ethics and characteristics that helps to remember Allah, reflect and think deeply about His existence and his powers.

Dr. Hamza Abubakar Hussaini opined that, other lessons that Muslims should learn from the weather forecast is that the creation of the heaven and earth is not done in vain, and to also understand that He who created and controls the universe with its varying changes must have done it for a purpose.